Oh I Want To See Him - Hymn Lyrics

Oh I Want To See Him

“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” -1 John 3:2

    1. As I journey through the land, singing as I go,
      Pointing souls to Calvary—to the crimson flow,
      Many arrows pierce my soul from without, within;
      But my Lord leads me on, through Him I must win.
      Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face,
      There to sing forever of His saving grace;
      On the streets of glory let me lift my voice,
      Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice.
    2. When in service for my Lord dark may be the night,
      But I’ll cling more close to Him, He will give me light;
      Satan’s snares may vex my soul, turn my thoughts aside;
      But my Lord goes ahead, leads whate’er betide.
    3. When in valleys low I look toward the mountain height,
      And behold my Savior there, leading in the fight,
      With a tender hand outstretched toward the valley low,
      Guiding me, I can see, as I onward go.
    4. When before me billows rise from the mighty deep,
      Then my Lord directs my bark; He doth safely keep,
      And He leads me gently on through this world below;
      He’s a real Friend to me, oh, I love Him so.

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Author: Rufus H. Cornelius, 1916.

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Download Oh I Want To See Him! (Hymn tune)

Artists or individuals and copyright owners who want to share their creative works to the world wide public domain may submit anything (Gospel songs, Hymnal songs, Lyrics, audio, tunes, scores, biographies, etc) that you think would fit on this platform. Click Here for more details.

Lyrics in other languages:

Yoruba - A! Mo Fe Ri Jesu

A! Mo Fe Ri Jesu

“Olufe, nisinsinyii omo Olorun ni wa. Ohun ti a oo da ko i tii han si wa, bi o ti ri ni awa naa yoo ri, nitori a oo ri i gege bi o ti ri.” -1 John 3:2

    1. Ninu irin ajo mi, beni mo nkorin
      Mo n toka si kalfari, N’ibi eje na
      Idanwo lode ninu, l’ota gbe dide
      Jesu lo nto mi lo, isegun daju
      A! mo fe ri Jesu kin ma w’oju re,
      Ki nma korin titi nipa ore re
      Ni ilu ogo ni ki ngbohun soke
      Pe mo bo, ija tan, mo de ile mi.
    2. Ninu ise isin mi, b’okunkun basu
      Un o tubo sunmo Jesu, y’o tan imole
      Esu le gb’ogun ti mi, kin le sa pada
      Jesu lo nto mi lo, ko se’wu fun mi.
    3. Bi mo tile bo sinu afonifoji
      Imole itoni Re, Yio Mole simi
      Yio na owo re simi, Yio gbe mi soke
      Un o ma tesiwaju, b’o ti nto mi lo
    4. Nigbati iji aye yi ba yi lu mi
      Mo ni abo t’o daju, labe apa re
      Y’o ma f’owo re to mi titi de opin
      Ore ododo ni, A! mo ti f’e to.

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